The Allure

One of the biggest problems I have encountered over the years is the amount of people who are essentially trying to figure me out. It will not come to you anytime soon because that’s not how life is. It is not fair, nor does it need to be explained to the most specific degree. Sometimes you just have to let people be who they are, and if you push against that, the outcome is never pretty.

Even when you know you are living your life in the best possible way because you are being true to yourself. Being you is the only way to navigate through life anyway because everyone else is taken.
After previously blogging (“The Jealousy”) about this almost inexplicable feeling of wicked envy of others by colleagues, those instances started to spill into my personal life. Mainly relationships I had with people whom I considered close friends at one point.
While I was working in the retail business, I crossed paths with some who are jealous of me for some reason. On the outside, I probably looked like a conceited, self-important know-it-all when really I’m so much more complicated than that. Life isn’t about being simple. Simple is a word to describe those in life who are basic. Certainly, I am anything but. I even cringe at the word let alone ponder as to why people would associate me with such an adjective.
The friends wound up being those I met early in my career and with whom I spent some formidable years of my life. From “The Partying” to “The Great Times,” I thought we were inseparable despite minor issues, which inevitably surface when you’re invested in a long-term relationship.
I thought that we were a great group of eclectic souls and that we would share so much of our life events with one another. But ultimately, what once united us has divided us. As I mentioned in “The Cost,” any division is unfortunate, but there is one thing I have learned a lot about in life: It goes on.

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